We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
This Social Narrative supports children by exploring and reinforcing the value of good manners and how they can be demonstrated in their day to day life.
This Social Narrative is highly visual with colourful and engaging visuals to support information retention and understanding.
This Social Narrative explores the following:
Manners are Important
Manners Keep Friends
I Share
I show that I Care
I Take Turns
I Help Others
I Wait in Line
I say “Please“ and “Thank You”
I say “Sorry”
I Listen
I keep my hands to myself
I raise my hand
I focus on my work
I don’t Gossip
I don’t hurt others
I use my Inside Voice
I cover my mouth when I chew and Yawn
I Open Doors
I put my Rubbish in the Bin
My Promise Pledge
Includes two posters - Good and Bad Manners.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
When children are taught that their behaviour impacts others, they learn that they matter in their community and beyond. Learning about their character traits can help students feel anchored and important and that leads them to be their best selves in all aspects of life.
Supporting students to understand and reflect on their character traits can help them think crucially about their own personal character traits and attributes. This is vital for them to understand and develop a core sense of self, as well as appreciate how their character traits impact themselves and others. The focus on developing helpful character traits is emphasised in this workbook to support students develop a strong self-esteem and the confidence to navigate life.
Studies have shown that when character education is included in school curriculum, academic performance and attendance increases while behavioural problems decrease.
This workbook includes the following:
What are physical traits?
Examples of physical traits poster
What are character traits?
Examples of character traits poster
Write your own helpful character traits worksheet
Learning about my character traits worksheet
Learning about my character traits questionnaire
Helpful Character Traits reflection worksheet
Unhelpful Character Traits reflective worksheet
-What are they?
-Whey are they beneficial?
-Helpful v’s unhelpful character trait worksheets
-Exploring helpful character traits in action
-Colouring page
What are they?
Unhelpful Character Traits
-Helpful v’s unhelpful character trait worksheets
-Exploring helpful character traits in action
-Colouring page
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Helping young children learn appropriate, polite and considerate behaviour enables them to form good manners which in turn supports them to be socially attentive as they get older.
Good Manners plays a significant role in building and cultivating relationships and friendships, therefore it is a skillset that shouldn’t be overlooked.
This workbook encourages students to explore manners as well as how they impact and affect themselves and others around them. Children should know whey they need good manners. Understanding manners is key to positive behaviour.
This workbook includes the following:
-What are manners?
-Ways we use our manners
-Why good manners are important
-Learning about my manners Checklist
-Our manners are a choice
-What are good manners?
-Good manners visual poster
-Self Reflection Worksheet
-My Good Manners Worksheet
-Spotlight on my Good Manners
-Is this a Good or Bad Manner Worksheet
-Write the opposite – exploring manners
-Colouring Page
-What are bad manners?
-Bad manners visual poster
-Self Reflection Worksheet
-Bad Manners Worksheet
-Spotlight on Bad Manners
-Is this a Good or Bad Manner Worksheet
-Write the opposite – exploring manners
-Colouring Page
-Manners Find-A-Word
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This document highlights how to encourage articulation and pronouncing sounds for children and students, particularly the most difficult sounds for children to master. Each page includes step by step instructions and examples as to how to pronounce the following speech sounds: m, n, h, b, w, y, t, d, k, sh, j, ch, l, g, f, v, s, z, r, th (quiet & loud sound) and p.
Information has been provided to explain how speech sounds are taught. For example, in a hierarchy (isolation, syllables, words, phrases, sentences and conversation).
To support students to develop an awareness of sounds, they need to be encouraged to:
• Talk about how to make the sound
• Demonstrate how it is made and
• Help the student to make the sound
This resource does just that!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Social Story encouraging individuals to walk together when in the community as opposed to absconding and/or accessing the community without adult knowledge/support.
“We Can Walk Together” is a social story designed for children who often abscond and/or unknowingly leave the care of parents/teachers when in the community. This social story provides the message:
That its not safe to run in public, near cars and/or the road.
Not to run away from adults, carers
What happens if you run away
Alternative behaviour which is socially acceptable
How to be safe
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Great numeracy and literacy skill development activities for children. Great handout for parents to support their children in key areas of numeracy/literacy development. Includes great at-home activities.
Document includes key activities and organic and natural opportunities/ ideas for home around the following:
Counting sequences (forward, backward, numeral identification)
Early mathematical strategies
Pattern and number structure
Multiplication and division
Reading texts
Vocabulary knowledge
Aspects of writing
Aspects of speaking
Phonemic awareness
Concepts about print
Great Handout for Parents!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This “Feelings Thermometer” is a visual aid to support individuals to explore their feelings/behaviours with the use of a metaphor and includes the following:
Calm, happy, flustered, frustrated, irritated, cross, angry, furious and exploding.
Individuals can be supported to reflect as to where they are on the feelings thermometer and what others can do to support them, but also what they can do to support them to de-escalate and come down on the thermometer.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
12 pages of tips, strategies and recommendations to support the development of social skills. this is a great resource for children with autism and other presentations who may benefit from focused support in social skills.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Social Story supporting children with autism to understand and recognise anger.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
The following editable document includes a daily feeling diary with program details for implementation as well as visual supports to supplement the program.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
PowerPoint Document which can be printed as a social story for children to learn more about emotions.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This five page communication program includes strategies/ideas to support the following goals:
to expand sentences and provide more information when communicating.
To express how they are feeling
To understand the difference between ‘stop’ and ‘wait’
This document has been de-identified and includes spaces to include the individuals name.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This Bingo game is a great game to support students with key summer themed words. This is a great game for a whole class approach or center activities.
This bingo game includes the following summer themed words:
Ball, crab, dolphin, goggles, flower, hat, sun, lighthouse, ice-cream, towel, mosquito, watermelon, umbrella, yacht, ice-block and waves.
The caller reads the bingo card, and the players identify whether they have that visual on their BINGO mat. If they do, then they cross it off and the first to cross off all 9 visuals on their unique mat first wins the game!
There are over 40 different Bingo mats for larger.
Let’s make learning fun, colourful and engaging!
This package includes everything that you need – just simply print!
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This resource includes alphabet flash cards from A-Z.
Simple, beautiful and engaging watercolour visuals are included.
There are 2 cards per A4 page which makes great classroom wall decorations or for interactive carpet circle time and activities.
Print out and laminate for durability.
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These are bright, fun and engaging “What Questions” task cards includes visual supports.
This is a versatile resource to support early learners, children with autism, learning difficulties, non-verbal students and special needs.
This is great for SLPs, early childhood, home services, autism classrooms and much much more!
Growth Mindset Journals, Activities and Posters
Divorce Tip Sheets and Interventions
Trauma Informed Resources, Workbooks and Handouts for Parents, Teachers and Allied Health
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Use a whiteboard marker or your finger to follow the pathways from one end to the other. Fun and engaging way to build fine motor and visual co-ordination skills.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Social Story which aims at helping the reader to learn the key skill of waiting and delayed gratification. This social story additionally includes calming and coping strategies for students to employ when they become frustrated when they need to wait. Visuals are included to support information retention and understanding.
This is a great social story for not only verbal students but also those who utilize sign language or technology (such as ipads) to communicate their needs.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This Bingo game is a great game to support students with key summer themed words. This is a great game for a whole class approach or center activities.
This bingo game includes the following summer themed words:
Ball, crab, dolphin, goggles, flower, hat, sun, lighthouse, ice-cream, towel, mosquito, watermelon, umbrella, yacht, ice-block and waves.
The caller reads the bingo card, and the players identify whether they have that visual on their BINGO mat. If they do, then they cross it off and the first to cross off all 9 visuals on their unique mat first wins the game!
There are over 40 different Bingo mats for larger.
Let’s make learning fun, colourful and engaging!
This package includes everything that you need – just simply print!
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.